A man is standing outside, holding a script with one hand and pointing at it with the other as he speaks passionately

✦ Photo by Culture Co-op

Become a Cultural Pioneer

What is a Cultural Pioneer? Someone with big ideas and a love of their community. Someone who has been doing amazing work for years. Someone who has an idea they want to see come to life. 

A local person who knows what people want, and is ready to make it happen.

Sounds like someone you know?


  • Set up your own arts and cultural activities locally

  • Be given money to make them happen

  • Work alongside music producers, choreographers, chefs and street artists

  • Get free tickets to performances and art shows

  • Take advantage of paid opportunities

As a Cultural Pioneer with the Culture Co-op, you’ll have the chance to:

Our job is to resource communities to decide what counts as art and culture, where it happens, who experiences it and who makes it. 

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